First Destination Report: 2019-2020 Undergraduate Degree Recipients: Bonus details for employed graduates

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(Medians are shown when four or more individuals reported salary or bonus; 25th and 75th percentiles are shown when 12 or more individuals reported salary or bonus.)
College / Major Graduates Respondents % Respondents
(% of Graduates)
Employed % Employed
(% of Respondents)
% Reported Salary
(% of Employed)
% Reported Bonus
(% of Employed)
Whole University 6766 2113 31% 1397 66% 1064 76% 418 30% $5000
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 733 154 21% 62 40% 39 63% 3 5%
College of Architecture and Urban Studies 405 112 28% 77 69% 51 66% 13 17% $2500
College of Engineering 1843 562 30% 417 74% 359 86% 172 41% $6000
College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences 1180 267 23% 125 47% 80 64% 8 6% $2000
College of Natural Resources and Environment 276 78 28% 46 59% 32 70% 3 7%
College of Science 1168 329 28% 157 48% 104 66% 24 15% $5000
Pamplin College of Business 1161 611 53% 513 84% 399 78% 195 38% $5000