First Destination Report: 2018-2019 Undergraduate Degree Recipients for Whole University

View results by whole university, by college, or by major

Response Rate

Number of Respondents %
6867 Not Applicable Total Graduates
3789 55% Reported first destination / respondents
3078 45% Unreported / non-respondents


2261 60% Working
99 3% Military
33 1% Volunteering
633 17% Continuing Education
0 0% Fellowship
617 16% Still Seeking Employment
127 3% Still Seeking Continuing Education
19 1% Not Seeking (traveling, gap year, taking time off, other)

Continuing Education Details

View list by undergrad major of continuing education degrees, institution, and locations

Working Details

View list by undergrad major of employers, job titles, and locations

Salary and Bonus

Question for working and military respondents.
Medians are shown when four or more individuals reported salary or bonus.
See Salary Detail Report which includes 25th and 75th percentiles where sufficient Ns were reported.
See Bonus Detail Report which provides more detail on numbers and percentages reporting.
1968 83% Number and percent of working and military who reported salary.
Not Applicable Not Applicable Salary median for working and military: $61800
741 31% Number and percent of working who reported receiving a bonus above $0.
Not Applicable Not Applicable Bonus Median: $5000

Job Source

Question for working respondents.

Regarding the job you accepted: Which best describes the way you first made contact with this employer?

222 10% Worked / volunteered with this employer in the past.
323 14% Knew / met the employer through someone I know (networking).
589 26% Career fair.
142 6% Handshake.
52 2% On-Campus Interviewing Program (employer interviewed in Smith Career Center).
205 9% Went directly to employer website.
159 7% Used job-seeker website, other than Handshake.
54 2% Information posted or messaged from my academic department.
32 1% Employer spoke at a presentation I attended.
483 21% Did not answer

Job related to Career Goals

Question for working respondents.

Do you consider your job to be related to your career goals?

1367 60% Very
417 18% Somewhat
48 2% Not
429 19% Did not answer

Job Related to Major

Question for working respondents.

Do you consider your job to be related to your major?

1309 58% Very
414 18% Somewhat
112 5% Not
426 19% Did not answer

Number of Job Offers

Question for working respondents.

As best as you recall, how many job offers have you received?

690 31% One
555 25% Two
323 14% Three
130 6% Four
123 5% Five or more
440 19% Did not answer

Career Planning and Preparation

Learned Job Search Skills | Source of Learning

Questions for working and still seeking employment respondents.

Which best describes the extent to which you learned job search skills during college?

819 28% Learned most that I needed.
1324 46% Learned some, but not all, that I needed.
222 8% Learned nothing, or very little
513 18% Did not answer

If you learned job search skills, where did you learn them? Check all that apply.

984 34% Career & Professional Development; advising, presentations, website, resource center.
382 13% Career Planning Guide; booklet free to VT students from CPD.
198 7% Other books, magazines, print materials.
1049 36% Websites external to Virginia Tech.
837 29% Academic-credit course in my major or college.
121 4% Not-for-credit program in my major or college.
1118 39% Advisors, staff, professors in my major or college.
322 11% Other VT advisors, staff, professors, NOT in my major or college.
1373 48% Employers, mentors at jobs, internships.
1491 52% Parents, adult relatives, family friends.
1313 46% Peers.
632 22% Did not answer

Advising on Continuing Education

Question for continuing education respondents only.

Where did you get advice about graduate or professional school? Check all that apply.

353 56% Professors at Virginia Tech.
230 36% Academic advisors at Virginia Tech.
48 8% Pre-professional school advisors at Virginia Tech.
48 8% Career center advisors at Virginia Tech.
240 38% Professionals working in the field I want to pursue.
194 31% Faculty or staff at the graduate or professional schools I considered.
272 43% Websites of the graduate or professional schools I considered.
136 21% Websites about professions and graduate schools.
228 36% Parents, adult relatives
216 34% Peers.
15 2% Print information: books, magazines, etc.
46 7% Did not answer
Experience during College
Questions for all respondents.

Did you have any type of career-related experience during college?

2829 75% Yes
372 10% No
588 16% Did not answer

If yes, what types of experience did you have? Check all that apply.

832 22% Volunteer work
1024 27% Part-time job
1110 29% Summer job
527 14% Unpaid internship
2140 56% Paid internship
201 5% Co-op
755 20% Undergraduate research
356 9% Field study
917 24% Did not answer

If you checked "UNPAID internship," how many did you have?

499 13% One
117 3% Two
25 1% Three
12 0% Four or More
3136 83% Did not answer

If you checked "PAID internship," how many did you have?

905 24% One
686 18% Two
279 7% Three
82 2% Four or More
1837 48% Did not answer

Used Career Center

Question for all respondents.

As you recall: During college, did you use any resources provided by the Virginia Tech career center? (could include advising, books, workshops, publications, website, Handshake, employment interviews, etc.)

620 16% Never
422 11% Don't recall or unsure
1827 48% Yes, but not often
321 8% Yes, often
599 16% Did not answer


Question for all respondents.

If you could start over in college, is there anything you would do differently related to career planning

1440 38% No. Mostly I did what I needed to achieve my goals.
1730 46% Yes. I would do something differently.
619 16% Did not answer

If yes, please check all that apply.
I wish I had...

1242 33% Learned more, or earlier, about career options.
678 18% Learned more, or earlier, about graduate or professional school.
1011 27% Asked advisors, staff, professors for advice, earlier, or more often.
1166 31% Gotten more experience related to my major or career goals.
883 23% Started my job search earlier.
524 14% Used more or different job search resources.
1820 48% Did not answer