First Destination Report: 2016-2017 Undergraduate Degree Recipients for Human Nutrition Foods & Exercise
View results by whole university, by college, or by major
First destinations: What grads are doing after graduation: |
Number of Respondents | % |
276 | Not Applicable | Total Graduates | ||||||
205 | 74% | Reported first destination / respondents | ||||||
TAKING TIME OFF after graduation (more than 1 month, less than 1 year) |
91 | 44% | No | ||||||
70 | 34% | Yes, one to less than three full months | ||||||
19 | 9% | Yes, three to less than six full months | ||||||
25 | 12% | Yes, six months to less than a full year | ||||||
5 | 2% | U.S. military service commitment. | ||||||
5 | 2% | Service/volunteer program (non-military). | ||||||
0 | 0% | Self-employed or working in a family-owned business. | ||||||
16 | 8% | Employed or have accepted a job offer (not employed by self or family). | ||||||
4 | 2% | Have job offer(s), but undecided on accepting. | ||||||
22 | 11% | Seeking employment, but don't yet have a job offer. | ||||||
5 | 2% | Plan to seek employment later. | ||||||
96 | 47% | Admitted to continuing education. | ||||||
22 | 11% | Plan to continue education, but details not firm yet. | ||||||
29 | 14% | Both seeking employment and applying to continue education. | ||||||
3 | 1% | Other having nothing to do with employment or continued education. | ||||||
Continuing education: Graduate, professional school, or other: |
View list by undergrad major showing cont. educ. degree / program / institution / location |
118 | 58% | Plan to attend OR have accepted admission. | ||||||
ADVICE SOURCES about continuing education (check ALL that apply) |
From what sources did you seek advice about graduate or professional school (or other additional education)? |
14 | 13% | Print information such as books or magazines. | ||||||
82 | 77% | Websites / online information. | ||||||
41 | 38% | Professors at Virginia Tech. | ||||||
34 | 32% | Academic advisors at Virginia Tech. | ||||||
25 | 23% | Pre-professional school advisors at Virginia Tech. | ||||||
84 | 79% | People who work in the field or profession I'd like to pursue. | ||||||
59 | 55% | Parents and/or other adult relatives or family friends. | ||||||
63 | 59% | Peers such as friends and/or brothers or sisters. | ||||||
27 | 25% | Career & Professional Development. | ||||||
40 | 37% | Faculty or staff at graduate or professional schools you considered. | ||||||
0 | 0% | Other | ||||||
Employment: |
View list by undergrad major showing employer /job title / location |
24 | 11% | Number / percent of respondents reporting they are employed (Employed, Self-employed, Volunteer and Military) | ||||||
22 | 88% | Number / percent of total employed who are employed full-time (if indicated) | ||||||
3 | 12% | Number / percent of total employed who are employed part-time (if Indicated) | ||||||
SALARY DATA for graduates who accepted FULL-TIME employment |
19 | 79% | Number / percent of employed reporting salaries | ||||||
Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25th percentile (25% make this amount or less): $19800 | ||||||
Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 50th percentile (50% make this amount or less; 50% make more): $30000 (Median) | ||||||
Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 75th percentile (75% make this amount or less; 25% make more): $35250 | ||||||
Not Applicable | Not Applicable | (Percentiles not reported if fewer than 12 graduates reported salary) | ||||||
Did your job offer include a signing bonus? |
19 | 79% | Number / percent of employed who reported whether or not they received bonuses | ||||||
0 | 0% | Yes | ||||||
19 | 100% | No | ||||||
Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25th percentile (25% of bonuses were this amount or less): -$1 | ||||||
Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 50th percentile (50% of bonuses were this amount or less; 50% make more): (Median) | ||||||
Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 75th percentile (75% of bonuses were this amount or less; 25% make more): | ||||||
Not Applicable | Not Applicable | (Percentiles not reported if fewer than 12 graduates reported a bonus) | ||||||
Do you consider your job to be related to your career goals and/or to be an entry-level avenue to reach your career goals? |
19 | 83% | VERY related to career goals | ||||||
4 | 17% | SOMEWHAT related to career goals | ||||||
0 | 0% | NOT related to career goals | ||||||
Employment RELATED to MAJOR |
Do you consider your job to be related to your college major? |
9 | 39% | VERY related to major | ||||||
11 | 48% | SOMEWHAT related to major | ||||||
3 | 13% | NOT related to major | ||||||
Which best describes the source of your first contact with the employer (organization, company, agency) whose job you accepted? |
3 | 14% | Worked for or volunteered with this employer in the past. | ||||||
Referral or contact through: |
4 | 18% | Current or former employer. | ||||||
1 | 5% | Professor or other faculty or staff member in your department. | ||||||
5 | 23% | Friend or family member. | ||||||
0 | 0% | Alumnus/alumna (a graduate) of Virginia Tech. | ||||||
0 | 0% | Fellow member of club, sorority or fraternity to which you belong. | ||||||
1 | 5% | Email or posted information from your academic department. | ||||||
0 | 0% | Career fair or job fair. | ||||||
0 | 0% | On-Campus Interviewing Program or Hokies4Hire. | ||||||
2 | 9% | The employer's website. | ||||||
2 | 9% | Website for job seekers (such as, on-line classifieds, etc.). | ||||||
0 | 0% | Print publication (newspaper, etc.). | ||||||
4 | 18% | Other. | ||||||
About when did you actively start your job search for your post-graduation job?
December 2016 graduates | ||||||||
0 | 0% | During spring semester 2016 (more than 6 months prior to degree completion) | ||||||
0 | 0% | Summer 2016 (4-6 months prior to degree completion) | ||||||
3 | 100% | September or October 2016 (2-3 months prior to degree completion) | ||||||
0 | 0% | November or December 2016 (0-1 month prior to degree completion) | ||||||
0 | 0% | January, February or March 2017 (0-3 months after degree completion) | ||||||
0 | 0% | After March 2017 (4 or more months after degree completion) | ||||||
0 | 0% | Not applicable; I obtained an offer without an active job search. | ||||||
May and Summer 2017 graduates | ||||||||
2 | 5% | Between July and October 2016 (more than 6 months prior to May commencement) | ||||||
8 | 21% | Between November 2016 and January 2017 (4-6 months prior to May commencement) | ||||||
16 | 41% | February or March 2017 (2-3 months prior to May commencement) | ||||||
10 | 26% | April or May 2017, prior to May commencement (0-1 month prior to commencement) | ||||||
2 | 5% | May commencement to August 2017 (0-3 months after commencement) | ||||||
1 | 3% | September 2017 or after (4 or more months after May commencement) | ||||||
0 | 0% | Not applicable; I obtained an offer without an active job search. | ||||||
To the best of your recollection, how many job offers have you received?
19 | 70% | One | ||||||
5 | 19% | Two | ||||||
3 | 11% | Three | ||||||
0 | 0% | Four | ||||||
0 | 0% | Five or more | ||||||
About when did you receive the job offer you accepted? |
December 2016 graduates | ||||||||
1 | 100% | Before September 2016 | ||||||
0 | 0% | September or October 2016 | ||||||
0 | 0% | November or December 2016 | ||||||
0 | 0% | January, February or March 2017 | ||||||
0 | 0% | After March 2017 | ||||||
0 | 0% | Other | ||||||
May - summer 2017 graduates | ||||||||
3 | 17% | Before January 2017 | ||||||
5 | 28% | January 2017 through Spring Break 2017 | ||||||
6 | 33% | After Spring Break 2017 - May 2017 | ||||||
2 | 11% | June, July or August 2017 | ||||||
2 | 11% | After August 2017 | ||||||
0 | 0% | Other | ||||||
Career-related learning and experience during college: |
Did you have any kind of career-related experience prior to graduation (types listed)? |
185 | 96% | Yes | ||||||
8 | 4% | No | ||||||
185 | 90% | Respondents to this question: number and percent of total respondents | ||||||
What kind of experience did you have? (check ALL that apply) |
How many of each? |
Number of Respondents |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5+ | |
137 | 74% | Volunteer work | 29 | 33 | 31 | 16 | 28 | |
95 | 51% | Part-time job | 48 | 29 | 14 | 3 | 1 | |
98 | 53% | Summer job | 40 | 33 | 19 | 5 | 1 | |
54 | 29% | Unpaid internship | 30 | 14 | 8 | 2 | 0 | |
31 | 17% | Paid internship | 27 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0% | Co-op | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
33 | 18% | Undergraduate research | 28 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
109 | 59% | Field study | 76 | 29 | 2 | 0 | 2 | |
4 | 2% | Other | Not Applicable | |||||
Which best describes the extent to which you learned job search skills during college?
44 | 23% | Most job search skills I needed. | ||||||
109 | 58% | Some job search skills, but not all I needed to know. | ||||||
36 | 19% | Nothing or very little. | ||||||
If you did learn job search skills,where do you believe you learned them? Please check all that apply. |
73 | 42% | Career & Professional Development programs, publications, website, advising, workshops, etc. | ||||||
93 | 54% | Academic-credit course or seminar in your major department or college. | ||||||
10 | 6% | Not-for-credit programs or seminars in your major department or college. | ||||||
82 | 48% | Advisors, professors or staff in your major department or college. | ||||||
28 | 16% | Other faculty or staff in the university, but not in your major department or college. | ||||||
100 | 58% | Parents and/or other adult relatives or family friends. | ||||||
101 | 59% | Peers such as friends and/or brothers or sisters. | ||||||
77 | 45% | Websites with job search advice (other than Career & Professional Development). | ||||||
19 | 11% | Books, magazines or other print materials. | ||||||
3 | 2% | Other | ||||||
As best as you can recall: During college did you use any the resources provided by Career & Professional Development? |
28 | 15% | Never | ||||||
22 | 12% | Don't recall or unsure | ||||||
126 | 66% | Yes, but not often | ||||||
14 | 7% | Yes, often | ||||||
Regrets: |
If you had to do it over again, is there anything related to planning for life after college that you would do differently? |
66 | 35% | No. For the most part, I did what I needed to do to achieve my goals. | ||||||
123 | 65% | Yes. I wish I had done something differently. | ||||||
If yes, please check ALL that apply. (Percentages are of "Yes" respondents, not total respondents.)
79 | 65% | Learned more about graduate or professional school earlier. | ||||||
78 | 64% | Gotten more experience related to my major or career goals. | ||||||
65 | 53% | Learned more about career options and/or learned earlier. | ||||||
38 | 31% | Started my job search earlier. | ||||||
16 | 13% | Used more or different job search resources. | ||||||
56 | 46% | Asked professors and/or other advisors for advice (more often, earlier, or at all). | ||||||
10 | 8% | Other |