First Destination Report: 2022-2023 Undergraduate Degree Recipients for International Studies
View results by whole university, by college, or by major
Response Rate |
Number of Respondents | % |
22 | Not Applicable | Total Graduates |
10 | 45% | Reported first destination / respondents |
12 | 55% | Unreported / non-respondents |
Outcome |
What are you primarily doing after graduation? | ||
4 | 40% | Working |
0 | 0% | Military |
0 | 0% | Volunteering |
2 | 20% | Continuing Education |
0 | 0% | Fellowship |
4 | 40% | Still Seeking Employment |
0 | 0% | Still Seeking Continuing Education |
0 | 0% | Not Seeking (traveling, gap year, taking time off, other) |
Continuing Education Details |
Respondents who indicate continuing education are asked to report their institution and location, and their degree level and program of study. | ||
View list by undergrad major of continuing education degrees, institution, and locations |
Working Details |
Respondents who indicate working are asked to report their employer, position title, and location. | ||
View list by undergrad major of employers, job titles, and locations |
Salary and Bonus |
Question for working and military respondents
Medians are shown when four or more individuals reported salary or bonus. See Salary Detail Report which includes 25th and 75th percentiles where sufficient Ns were reported. See Bonus Detail Report which provides more detail on numbers and percentages reporting. |
2 | 50% | Number and percent of working and military who reported salary. |
Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Salary median for full-time working and military: |
Number and percent of working who reported receiving a bonus above $0. | ||
Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Bonus Median: |
Job Source |
Question for working respondents. | ||
Regarding the job you accepted: Which best describes the way you first made contact with this employer? |
0 | 0% | Worked / volunteered with this employer in the past. |
1 | 25% | Knew / met the employer through someone I know (networking). |
0 | 0% | Career fair. |
0 | 0% | Handshake. |
0 | 0% | On-Campus Interviewing Program (employer interviewed in Smith Career Center). |
1 | 25% | Went directly to employer website. |
0 | 0% | Used job-seeker website, other than Handshake. |
0 | 0% | Information posted or messaged from my academic department. |
0 | 0% | Employer spoke at a presentation I attended. |
2 | 50% | Did not answer |
Job related to Career Goals |
Question for working respondents. | ||
Do you consider your job to be related to your career goals? |
1 | 25% | Very |
1 | 25% | Somewhat |
0 | 0% | Not |
2 | 50% | Did not answer |
Job Related to Major |
Question for working respondents. | ||
Do you consider your job to be related to your major? |
0 | 0% | Very |
2 | 50% | Somewhat |
0 | 0% | Not |
2 | 50% | Did not answer |
Number of Job Offers |
Question for working respondents. | ||
As best as you recall, how many job offers have you received? |
2 | 50% | One |
0 | 0% | Two |
0 | 0% | Three |
0 | 0% | Four |
0 | 0% | Five or more |
2 | 50% | Did not answer |
Career Planning and Preparation |
Learned Job Search Skills | Source of Learning |
Questions for working and still seeking employment respondents. | ||
Which best describes the extent to which you learned job search skills during college? |
1 | 13% | Learned most that I needed. |
5 | 63% | Learned some, but not all, that I needed. |
0 | 0% | Learned nothing, or very little |
2 | 25% | Did not answer |
If you learned job search skills, where did you learn them? Check all that apply. |
2 | 25% | Career & Professional Development; advising, presentations, website, resource center. |
0 | 0% | Career Planning Guide; booklet free to VT students from CPD. |
0 | 0% | Other books, magazines, print materials. |
1 | 13% | Websites external to Virginia Tech. |
3 | 38% | Academic-credit course in my major or college. |
0 | 0% | Not-for-credit program in my major or college. |
2 | 25% | Advisors, staff, professors in my major or college. |
2 | 25% | Other VT advisors, staff, professors, NOT in my major or college. |
3 | 38% | Employers, mentors at jobs, internships. |
4 | 50% | Parents, adult relatives, family friends. |
2 | 25% | Peers. |
2 | 25% | Did not answer |
Advising on Continuing Education |
Question for continuing education respondents only. | ||
Where did you get advice about graduate or professional school? Check all that apply. |
1 | 50% | Professors at Virginia Tech. |
0 | 0% | Academic advisors at Virginia Tech. |
0 | 0% | Pre-professional school advisors at Virginia Tech. |
0 | 0% | Career center advisors at Virginia Tech. |
0 | 0% | Professionals working in the field I want to pursue. |
0 | 0% | Faculty or staff at the graduate or professional schools I considered. |
1 | 50% | Websites of the graduate or professional schools I considered. |
0 | 0% | Websites about professions and graduate schools. |
2 | 100% | Parents, adult relatives |
1 | 50% | Peers. |
0 | 0% | Print information: books, magazines, etc. |
0 | 0% | Did not answer |
Experience during College | ||
Questions for all respondents. | ||
Did you have any type of career-related experience during college? |
5 | 50% | Yes |
3 | 30% | No |
2 | 20% | Stated prefer not to answer OR did not answer |
Questions for all respondents. | ||
If you had any of the following types of experience, check all that apply. |
1 | 10% | Volunteer work |
2 | 20% | Part-time job |
3 | 30% | Summer job |
0 | 0% | Co-op |
1 | 10% | Undergraduate research |
0 | 0% | Field study |
5 | 50% | Did not answer |
Questions for all respondents. | ||
Did you have any type of internship during college (including paid, unpaid, or both)? |
4 | 40% | Yes |
1 | 10% | No |
2 | 50% | Stated prefer not to answer OR did not answer |
Question asked to those who responded “yes” to had internship:
3 | 30% | None |
1 | 10% | One |
0 | 0% | Two |
0 | 0% | Three or more |
6 | 60% | Did not answer OR question not applicable |
Question asked to those who responded “yes” to had internship:
1 | 10% | None |
3 | 30% | One |
0 | 0% | Two |
0 | 0% | Three or more |
6 | 60% | Did not answer OR question not applicable |
Question asked to those who responded “no” to had internship: | ||
You said you did not have any internships during college. Please check any of the following that are applicable to you. |
2 | 20% | I did not need an internship. I had other forms of experience relevant to my career goals and/or major |
0 | 0% | I did not know all the possible sources to find an internship |
0 | 0% | I did not have all the job search skills I needed to secure an internship |
0 | 0% | I did not have all the qualifications employers required |
0 | 0% | Unpaid internships are the norm in my field, and I could not afford to work without pay |
2 | 20% | I could not find an internship in the geographic location I wanted |
2 | 20% | I could not find an internship with timing that worked for my schedule |
0 | 0% | I was offered an internship, but it was cancelled by the employer (due to economic issues, such as the pandemic, or other causes) |
0 | 0% | I was offered an in-person internship at a location to which I could not relocate due to costs |
6 | 60% | Did not answer OR question not applicable |
Used Career Center |
Question for all respondents. | ||
As you recall: During college, did you use any resources provided by the Virginia Tech career center? (could include advising, books, workshops, publications, website, Handshake, employment interviews, etc.) |
2 | 20% | Never |
0 | 0% | Don't recall or unsure |
5 | 50% | Yes, but not often |
1 | 10% | Yes, often |
2 | 20% | Did not answer |
Regrets |
Question for all respondents. | ||
If you could start over in college, is there anything you would do differently related to career planning |
2 | 20% | No. Mostly I did what I needed to achieve my goals. |
6 | 60% | Yes. I would do something differently. |
2 | 20% | Did not answer |
If yes, please check all that apply.
5 | 50% | Learned more, or earlier, about career options. |
3 | 30% | Learned more, or earlier, about graduate or professional school. |
2 | 20% | Asked advisors, staff, professors for advice, earlier, or more often. |
3 | 30% | Gotten more experience related to my major or career goals. |
5 | 50% | Started my job search earlier. |
2 | 20% | Used more or different job search resources. |
4 | 40% | Did not answer |