First Destination Report: 2018-2019 Undergraduate Degree Recipients: Salary details for employed graduates

College of Architecture and Urban Studies

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(Medians are shown when four or more individuals reported salary or bonus; 25th and 75th percentiles are shown when 12 or more individuals reported salary or bonus.)
College / Major Graduates Respondents % Respondents
(% of Graduates)
Employed % Employed
(% of Respondents)
% Reported Salary
(% of Employed)
Median 75th
College of Architecture and Urban Studies 446 216 48% 141 65% 116 82% $46000 $59000 $65000
Architecture 102 54 53% 31 57% 23 74% $45000 $50000 $53040
Art 51 22 43% 8 36% 6 75% $34000
Building Construction 114 53 46% 45 85% 40 89% $60000 $63500 $66000
Construction Engineering and Management 54 26 48% 24 92% 23 96% $59000 $62500 $68000
Environmental Policy and Planning 24 13 54% 5 38% 4 80% $50000
Industrial Design 40 13 33% 8 62% 5 63% $41600
Interior Design 32 16 50% 14 88% 12 86% $40000 $52000 $53500
Landscape Architecture 14 8 57% 2 25%
Public and Urban Affairs 15 11 73% 4 36% 3 75%